Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Property Of Flowing Very Quickly In A Liquid?

is a treatment on the image to accentuate the effect "model" of certain frames. It works very well in urban landscapes where mobile and fixed elements are represented by a seemingly small scale. Used in analog-shift lenses or glasses tilting "distorting areas certain of the frame. Digitally is possible to produce this effect by some custom controls in the software approach.

Paradoxically, we are looking for a real change in the perception of a real environment, when the first goal pursued by the models ( both in architecture as in other disciplines projective) is defined from the reduced scale of an object, a real environment. This leads me to suspect rizamos the loop in terms of concepts of representation of the environment. We expect that a landscape is seen as a model, just pretend that a model looks as close to the final landscape. We might think that is as absurd as that drafting maps of the Middle Ages who sought perfection in their paths to such an extent that in his latest book wanted to represent the world in a 1:1 scale atlas.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Delta Phi Epsilon Manual

Badalona is two years into one of the world capitals of comics. The presentation of the master plan of the Museum of Comic i la Il.lustració de Catalunya (MCIC) confirmed yesterday the highest expectations of the sector, with a project that, in addition to preserving and disseminating Catalan authors and publications, provides for the acquisition of the comic treasures world and aspires to become a research center on gender. "The comic is the global language of the postmodern era, a central language of the new culture that is neither under or over other artistic expressions ", said Councillor of Culture, Joan Manuel Tresserras, during the presentation.

The former factory of the Company Assistant Trade and Industry, a 1899 modernist remnant located in the coastal strip of Badalona, \u200b\u200bnear the bridge Petroli, will house the new museum. With an area of \u200b\u200b4,000 square meters, the project has a budget of 11.4 million euros, by the city of Badalona (3.4 million for the renovation of the building, whose interior is in ruins but kept its external structure) and the Generalitat (8 million for the museum project.) Both government set up a consortium to manage the space.

Carles Santamaria (Director of International Comic Saló Barcelona) and Horacio Altuna (President of the Association of Professional d'Il. Lustradors de Catalunya), both members of the advisory committee that drafted the master plan of the museum along with the Department Culture, not beside himself with satisfaction to see that the historical claim of the sector is about to become reality: "There is no other museum like this, located in a metropolitan area accounts for 90% of the comics industry in Spain and has a long tradition of publishing capital, "said Santamaria, who next week plans to visit the new museum of comic Angouleme (France) to take note of its features.

The master plan provides that the works were executed during that year and the museum to open its doors in 2012. The central space will be devoted to an exhibition that will tour the chronological evolution of comics and illustration in Catalonia, Spain and the world, with original authors have left their mark on its way of conceiving the design and script.
same time, there are three temporary exhibitions dedicated to new authors and new technologies, cross-cutting themes (humor, eroticism, social criticism ...), and a specific author. Once opened, the museum will work with a budget of three million per year, of which half come from own revenues (tickets, book sales, merchandising ...).

HERITAGE / The ambitious project will bring together works from the early decades of the nineteenth century to today. Now begins a delicate process of negotiation with public institutions, publishers and private collectors who treasure the original work from magazines like In Patufet, Torratxa L'Esquella of Captain Thunder and authors like Opisso , Moebius and Hergé. The Government has already initiated contacts with el Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya y la Biblioteca de Catalunya, que conservan publicaciones históricas. El coleccionista Rafael Martínez, editor de Norma, ya ha anunciado que pondrá su colección particular a disposición del nuevo museo.

Fuente: El Periódico de Catalunya

Personalmente, opino que si el proyecto es llevado a cabo con seriedad, rigor y buen hacer, será un paso adelante para dignificar al cómic en el lugar que se merece culturalmente. Crucemos los dedos y esperemos que dicho recinto esté a la altura de las expectativas. Es bueno ver un poco de luz entre tanto nubarrón en el panorama cultural actual (concretamente del cómic).

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Balance Football Jersey's

Fugum (oils)

Enlightenment is about a dog of a product for a fictitious company, in this case, a Japanese confectionery company. In Japan, puffer fish called fugu, fugu so + gum = Fugum. Painted in 4 days, approximately 12 hours.

Oil on heavyweight paper.