Laws and fraud
Murphy's Laws are an unfortunate and largely fictional to explain the accidents in all sorts of areas that broadly and without fear headlocked with my hands in this synthesis is based on the following postulate:
If something can go wrong will go wrong
This phrase, which indicates a pessimistic attitude, accepting and mocking to the time before the happening of future events, would apply to all such situations of everyday life as long as we agree with the alarming and narrow-minded engineer Edward A. Murphy, a subject to whom the story has been placed in the wrong place (we would provide a nice trash this man)
I have a bad opinion of people who use and pride of these statements are more typical of an unhappy and resentful vague because, beyond which no of any practical value, the obvious gap prosaic of these laws represents a whole group of proud conformist black flags flying. Emphasizing the negative is
own tortured minds, twisted and dark, so I try to ward off my evil friends of these texts. For just as something can go wrong, you can also do well, if we strive to achieve.
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